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Give some love and care
- Caring for the wooden toys is an on-going process. Always store your toys in a cool, dry place and avoid direct sunlight.
- After your little one finish playing, with a damp cloth wipe away the toys and make those completely dry with a dry cloth. Use a mild soap and avoid using cleaning products with Chemicals.
- Even the toys for water play should not be soaked in water for more than 24 hours. Use a clean cloth to wipe them dry after playing and then set them to dry completely before storing.
- If there are stains you can use vinegar. Mix vinegar and water in to 1:1 ratio and spot clean. Let it dry naturally.
- Every once and while, you can moisturize wooden toys when it starts to look dry in dull. Coconut oil or Olive oil does the trick. Apply with a cloth and wipe away and let it dry.
- Always go for repairing if the toy breaks. You can easily fix most of the breaks with wood glue.